A myth is a story or narrative that plays a role in society but may be exaggerated to the point where it’s no longer true. Traditionally, a myth related to stories within a folklore genre, but it has now been used to describe falsehoods and mistruths even in the world of dentist care.

Some people are not sure what to expect when they make an appointment with their dentist. Some people even have preconceived ideas that turn out to be incorrect. Read on to learn what are some of the more common dental myths and how they are actually not true.

Bleeding Gums While Brushing and Flossing Is Normal

Except that it isn’t. If you notice that your gums bleed when you brush or floss them, that can mean your gums are inflamed. Inflamed gums are a symptom of periodontitis and gingivitis. Anyone that has just started flossing for the first time might notice bleeding gums for around a week. However, they should stop within a short time.

If your gums bleed while you’re brushing, then consider changing the way you brush. Use a soft-bristled brush and less force. Brush for two minutes with gentle pressure, and take note of any bleeding with your new brushing routine. If bleeding continues with flossing and brushing, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can.

You Should Replace Your Silver Fillings

In recent years, composite resin fillings have taken over the top spot as a popular option for fillings. Before then, dental amalgam fillings, which contain silver, tin, copper, and mercury, were used for over a century.

Because composite resin is now the preferred choice by dentists, many people may think they need to have all their ‘silver’ fillings replaced. While you may like to replace them for aesthetic reasons, they do not need to be replaced unless it’s for health reasons.

You Don’t Need to See Your Dentist Twice a Year

“My teeth feel fine; I don’t need to see a dentist.”

Unfortunately, many people believe they only need to visit a dentist when they have a problem or a pain that won’t go away. In reality, everyone should be having a dental checkup once every six months.

Not only can a dentist then look after your dental health, such as checking for cavities, but they can look for symptoms of serious conditions like diabetes – and even cancer.

Believe it or not, even a change in how your teeth fit together can indicate oral cancer, according to the ADA. You might not have a toothache, but schedule those six-monthly checks for peace of mind and an expert’s advice.

Sugar is the Bad Guy

Okay, this one isn’t so much a myth, but sugar isn’t the only bad guy, nor is it harmful in the way you might think. Sugar touching your teeth doesn’t cause decay. It’s the bacteria in your mouth that turns sugar into lactic acid and begins the erosion process.

Acid wears down enamel, and cavities form as a result. Essentially, anything acidic can harm your teeth if you don’t practice good oral hygiene. After eating something sweet or acidic, drink water.

What you know about dentists, and what’s true could be two different things. If you have been thinking about seeing your dentist for a checkup, then why not make an appointment and get the answers you’ve been looking for? Any dentist will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.